ROCKY’S STORY When Rocky was found he was more dead than alive. He was “flat” but his heart was beating. No chip, no collar, no tag, nobody to contact…usually, most vets would euthanise cats in
When Rocky was found he was more dead than alive. He was “flat” but his heart was beating. No chip, no collar, no tag, nobody to contact…usually, most vets would euthanise cats in a critical state like this but this time the duty vet got in touch with us and we run to save this cat with no name and no history. We only knew that if he was ever to make it, we were his only chance.
We called him Rocky after Rocky Balboa and we were telling him all the time on the way to the vets that he had to pull through and that we will take care of him no matter what it takes.
We were told he was critical and that most likely he wouldn’t make it…but he deserved a chance. We were supposed to wait for 48hrs. Then we got a phone call and the vet said that he responded to the treatment but was still critical and his chances were 50/50. We were told not to raise our hopes. He was a victim of RTA (road traffic accident) and his head/face took the whole impact of the collision. He lost his sight and his jaw was broken in 5 places. When he tried to walk he was throwing himself on the walls due to the nerves damage so the nurses put soft pillows and blankets in his pen to protect him.
One week later he was still on very strong pain relief and was still very poorly. he underwent surgery to re-wire his broken jaw. He regained sight in one eye but the other eye became permanently blind.
It took one month for Rocky to pull through. He recovered well enough to go to a foster home. He was wobbly, skinny, partly blind, scared and couldn’t eat anything else than pate cat food watered down. He had jaw wires and his broken teeth didn’t allow him to close his mouth. He couldn’t have a dental until the jaw healed but the healing process was long and slow.
When we say that fostering saves lives we really mean it. Rocky thrived in the foster home. He put weight on and became a confident, purring, friendly, loving cat. It was hard to believe it was the same cat that was touch and go a few months ago.
Rocky was out of the woods but it wasn’t the end of his vet trips. He was well enough to have his broken teeth removed and finally could close his mouth. After the dental, he had eye surgery. His eye was getting constantly infected and Rocky was diagnosed with entropion. This is a condition in which part of the eyelid is folded in towards the eyeball. This folded eyelid scratches and irritates the surface of the cat’s eye, instead of protecting it as it should.
Four surgeries later and 6 months on from the exhausting race to save his life, Rocky is now in a loving home he can proudly call his own. Rocky loves people! He also loves cuddles, he loves his head being kissed and he loves being stroked. He enjoys watching TV and will help you with DIY 🙂 He is just a perfect cat!
The total cost of Rocky’s vet bill came up to £2000. If it wasn’t for lovely supporters of our rescue we wouldn’t be able to cover his bill. However, there are more cats like Rocky and unfortunately, not all of them are as lucky as him.
We need your help to help stray and abandoned cats. If you can help please use our PayPal – every little help is very much appreciated and every pound means a lot. Thank you in advance for all your support!