Lost Cat – hawksley road

Date Missing: 01/07/2023 Cat Name: Semiramis Breed: Colour: Tuxedo (black and white), long haired Microchipped: Yes Neutered: Yes Wearing A Collar: Collar Colour: Temperament/Personality: He’s a scaredy cat. He’s adorable with me only, he tends

Date Missing: 01/07/2023

Cat Name: Semiramis


Colour: Tuxedo (black and white), long haired

Microchipped: Yes

Neutered: Yes

Wearing A Collar:

Collar Colour:

Temperament/Personality: He’s a scaredy cat. He’s adorable with me only, he tends to be weary of people. He’s a softy and a bit… daft – in the loveliest way.
He’s the Apple of my eye.

Missing Circumstances: I don’t know how he got out in the street, as he usually goes out in the back garden. I think my Flatmate left the door open, and he must have ran out. I’ve looked around and called him but no luck. I’m very worried as he’s never really been in the street before.

Photos: https://stokeycatsanddogs.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/ECD99F7E-8F8E-40D2-A765-166B4C87B32E.png, https://stokeycatsanddogs.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/52A1CC30-72AC-4930-AB0C-ADBC7087D944.png

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