Date Missing: 08/03/2021 Cat Name: Shaka Breed: Moggy Colour: Black Microchipped: Yes Neutered: Yes Wearing A Collar: Collar Colour: Temperament/Personality: Friendly yet cautious. Missing Circumstances: Shaka was last seen safely asleep at 23:30 on 07/03/2021,
Date Missing: 08/03/2021
Cat Name: Shaka
Breed: Moggy
Colour: Black
Microchipped: Yes
Neutered: Yes
Wearing A Collar:
Collar Colour:
Temperament/Personality: Friendly yet cautious.
Missing Circumstances: Shaka was last seen safely asleep at 23:30 on 07/03/2021, coming down in the morning he was not there waiting for his breakfast as usual. We were immediately concerned as he never usually trays far – normally our garden and rarely one or two either side, he never goes out the front so he is only familiar with the gardens bounded by Kyverdale Road, Lampard Grove, Alkham Road and Windus Walk. 48 hours he is still missing, we have leafletted locally and put up flyers. His brother is bereft they have nver been apart before.